Thursday, June 19, 2014

Getting flowers in pails

Ran for 45 minutes, then started to pull some weeds, pick some flowers,  It had rained and so I started to pull weeds in the asparagus row.  I wondered if the asparagus took up the whole row, asked Phillip and no.  So I am planning to mow and rototill.  Started picking more flowers and then putting them in buckets so they can get cooled down.  I took all morning to get them filled.  6 buckets and a couple baskets.   I went to Bible study at Ginny's and then back home.  When Denny got home from work we decided to head to Indianola tomorrow in the am  We headed to Mike's to put stickers on 5,000 water bottles.  Such a great bunch of people to do the work.  We stayed until dark.  

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