Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 pans of cinnamon rolls, CSA pickup

The day flew by. I don't really remember what I did. I tried to make my 4 batches of cinnamon rolls with lard, but I did something wrong because they did not rise. Uffta! Around noon I went out to help with 800 cucumbers that were harvested. 250 of the best were used for CSA, 5 buckets were fed to the pigs, The rest were offered for sale - 4/$1. One gal came and got $30 dollars worth to make pickles. Marie and Dustin came out to get our share. They loved the place, vegetables, and concept that Phillip is using. Really liked it. Denny and I had pasta salad out on the deck, then walked 45 minutes. We went down to Cherry Creek Acrers. and hitched a ride home with Phillip. I din not get the flowers planted from Shopko and Fertig place. I did sent in class reunion RSVP and contact family and staff about wedding RSVPs. Neat pictures from the past few days.

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