Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bean snapping party Let the fun begin!!! Friday .... Didn't get it putin??

I put a little fence around the asters.  Justin fixed super lamb burgers for lunch.  He had favulous carmelized red onions with it.  Mandy and I went to town in afternoon.  I watched boys in Dose garage sale and Missy and Mandy ran to trail with Anabel riding bike.  We got home by 5.  There was a planned bean snapping party going on.  Jensens ordered pizza.  It tasted great.  I was a beautiful night to be outside working with others.  Lots of beans with the ends snapped off and blanched and ready to put in freezer bags.  I saved my portion for Sunday Brunch after the wedding.  Really tried to pick out the most tender beans. Pictures from making programs and Bean snapping party

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