Saturday, July 26, 2014

Work and wedding

No running this am.  But it was beautiful out when we had coffee on the deck. About 10 Denny, Mandy and I went to IG.  At Skate Palace the DVD of power point worked.  Also, I can do flowers there and keep in a big refrigerator  until Sat.  That is great news.  I won't have to transport arranged flower vases.  The Country club will need a DVD player to show PP.  We ate lunch with CSA.  I had put together an egg casserole for lunch.  Mandy (and Denny, haha)  put hinges on windows.  Mandy is using them to display the assigned seating charts.  I mowed the lawn.  The flowers look gorgeous.  So pretty.  I had time to  dream about how I can have others enjoy my flower garden, when I have such a fun full week ahead. Denny and I went to Whitney and Tim's wedding at 5.  When we got home about 9 Missy and Mandy were working on seating charts.  I am thinking about going to see Everett in hospital tomorrow.  Nice day. Pictures: Laurie and Anabel and me and sunflowers

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