Monday, July 14, 2014

At home... Coffee in garden in am.

Up to get coffee made and fruit cut up. At 6:15 morning worship was doubled. Marge (Kathi's mom joined us, Bob and Teresa, Lynn, Kate B, Marianne L.) At 7 Brenda, Kathi, and Sally joined us for coffee in the garden. After looking around, we had rolls and coffee on the deck. It was fun and nice. Marianne had brought her quilt from years past with all the kids names on it. I didn't even remember who some of the people were. When every one had left Brenda and I visited and sat at the front Linden tree picnic table. So nice. I went to town and used a shopko coupon to get some daisy plants. At 5 Denny went out to mow at unit. I joined in book discussion group supper. Alan J. lead the discussion about Aldo Leopold's book. New grand niece. Amy Clarice Coburn!!!

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