Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Up and ran this am.  Visit out on deck with Grands before Denny went to work. I worked on flowers and kids helped Missy pick some edible pod peas.  I had planned to take kids into Arthur, but Denny's cousin Sherry called and they were in Correctionville.  They came out to the farm and we had lunch.  Denny came home for his lunch hour.  It was good to visit with them.  She had not been to the farm since ... 1971?? I took kids into the library hour where they were showing a Leggo movie.  We were home in time for CSA pickup.  One gal was scheduled to pick some flowers, but she had sick kids.  Sure lots of pretty flowers blooming.  I took Haley and Kane and went to visit Hofmann's open house.  Anabel had been at Stella's birthday party, so I brought her home. Another fun day.

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