Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 17, 2015 Happy birthday Evan!!

I stopped over at Jensens' before school to braid Anabel's hair in 4 tiny little braids in the front, just like Isabelle and get the check for Evan's birthday Pizza. School was regular. I thought I would check on visiting a student in Omaha. I called later in the afternoon and the family was visiting this weekend. I stopped at the jewelry sale. Mandy wanted a plain necklace with a birthdate ring. Also got some Awana store items. Then to Pizza Hut and a quick stop at Skate Palace to see Prom Decorations. To Jensens with Pizza. Alan and Laurie were there. Also 3 little boys and Livvy. Great birthday. They got dirty in the stream and then made marshmallow blow guns. Great Army birthday cake. Mandy, Jason and Piper got there about 6. Great night. Anabel came to chill with Cooks and us on the deck while they took the boys home. Brooks had gone home with Alan and Laurie.

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