Sunday, April 5, 2015

He is Risen ... He is Risen Indeed

I fixed scrambled eggs and ham, and sliced cinnamon rolls with butter for breakfast. We stopped at Johnson Hall for some fruit before 10 am church. During church, such a precious row of Johnsons, Kane even napped. After church, lots of visiting. Then home for family pictures and lunch. Seasoned and regular pork roast, party potatoes, green bean casserole, ramen noodle cabbage salad. black olives (that didn't last long) carrots, and bunny track ice cream for dessert. We divided the majority of eggs into 40 pink and purple (Haley and Anabel), 40 yellow and orange Brooks and Kane), 40 blue and green (Evan and Torren), and assigned kids to get 20 eggs of their colors. It worked pretty well. Big boys eggs were hid harder than little boys eggs, etc. We hid random shaped, colored eggs in the front yard to hunt after they got done in the backyard "park". Lots of running and smiles and laughter. Nice long phone call from Luke at night. Sure missed them today.

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