Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday ... ahhhh

Lord, help me today as I address absents from school. Grant me wisdom and help students see their responsibility. Students were absent again. Uffta!! In Liv made cake in a bowl for class before doing the assignment. After school I stopped by a home. Good visit. Needs prayer. Volunteered to pick up at 7:30. Lord, work it out. Stopped to visit Alicia and Jonathon. Good visit. Got towels for kitchen at Shopko. Missy called as she was leaving KC with tag kids. I bought her some fruit for Philllip's b day tomorrow. Tax appointment at 5:15. Uffta!! Came home and thought about heading to Savannah. Had some salsa, cheese, meat hot dip with chips. I went to CSA shed and potted about 6 dahlia roots and 6 sunflower germinated seeds. Denny laid down for a while. I packed and we left for Missouri about 8. Denny drove and we got there about midnight. Looking forward to Upwards basketball tomorrow morning. Thank you Jesus for your blessings. Pictures of Haley in Upwards Basketball.

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