Friday, July 31, 2015

Denny said today was the start to his vacation

Denny came home from work and we worked on sprayer. Could not get it working. I weeded gardens and he carried spray tank around to kill weeds. Late at night we had steaks on the grill. There was a blue moon out tonight. The lisianthus has started to bloom big time. Blessings from Mary Jo: May the Lord bless and keep you. May you be enraptured by His love for you on this day. May He speak to your heart. May your greatest desire be for Him and may He answer the desire of your heart. God bless you.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

CSA, funeral, VBS story time

Found out BC is no longer taking bottles. Wonder where they will go. Printed up sign for Bible story. Now out for flowers. I made a small white bouquet for the VBS story this evening. Left for funeral about 9:45. Just made it in time. Brothers were a pallbearers. Bev would have liked the Catholic service. Stayed for meal. Home for Bible study. Susan, Sharon, Laura and myself. I boiled some sweet corn and baked bacon the the oven. Great supper when Denny came home. Headed to church. The 2 lessons went well.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Visitation for Bev. W.

I took a partial can of paint that I had Malcom's shake up and touch up painted all the "bread dough" wall scratches in the house. Now out to harvest flowers for Thurs CSA and mow the lawn, if it is dry enough. I texted Norma and asked her if she wanted to pick CSA flowers with me. She took me up on it and when she got here she would rather pull weeds than pick flowers because she said she wasn't sure how to do it. It was real easy to pull weeds because of all the rain. We fixed a bouquet for her and one for the gals whose house she was going to for supper. She left about 12:30 I worked on flowers until about 2. Then started to mow. Mandy called on her way home from her IG haircut. She had eaten lunch with Denny at the Arthur park. I finished mowing about 4:30. I made a card for Whitney's. Denny caem home from work, we watched the news and went to the visitation. Then to church to get a trumpet. Denny put the sprayer on the mower and I sorted bottles and cans. Water fight with Grandpa and snapshots of camp Boy did they have fun trying to get Denny with water balloons!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Another rainy day...

I slept until 6:45. That's a record! It let up raining and I went out and harvested 74 cilantro and 80 basil branches. Kids came in to watch a movie. Lunch at Missy's then process green beans. Today it is 11 years since Matt Hudson had his brain injury. I am praying. First major picking for Lisianthus Great to have a lot of family at the park Sat night Frank H. and Goldsmiths came to the camp grounds.

Monday, July 27, 2015

It looks like rain. Picking flowers and veggies during a sprinkle.

Worked on shipping a package back to the sender. I do not like automatic shipping. Good ole Denny got us registered for UPS and paid on line and a return shipping label printed. I went out to get containers ready for 40 CSA. Then helped Missy pick cukes, Then I picked 80 sunflowers, 120 cosmos greenery, 120 zinnias 91 lisianthus, 40 snapdragons. All for Tuesday flowers. Helped Missy pick zucchini, brought out veg caserole and cabbage salad. I took a quick wipe off before heading to IG with yoli to UPS. I checked Shopko, worked at school until 4:40. The ups pickup was at 5, so I quickly went to get groceries and was back by 4:50 only to find out that the UPS had been there. A nice J. Nicholson from Gomaco took my packages and would give them to UPS in the morning. At home I watched news. Denny and I cleaned the storage north of the machine shed. Then I made my first post on facebook. I am so glad I encouraged prayer for Matt Hudson tomorrow. I had Missy come over to help me post it. Denny had a mispost last night on Veltri's that really made him mad because he couldn't fix it.

 Brooks found the pile of rocks that Luke set out to chase away noisy geese if they bothered family Sunday am. 6 little stones ... just about about like David and Goliath.

  These are the birds from the window in Jason and Mandy's tent Saturday morning as the birds woke everyone up before 6 am.

  These are the rocks that Luke set out to scare away the birds!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Thanks Family!!

Storm last night from 2-4. High winds, rain. I watched the four tents out my camper window. When I asked Denny if I should text them and say standing room available in the camper, he said No, So I just watched and prayed. Woke to a bright beautiful day at 7. Tents were standing. Everyone was present, none had blown away... My prayers were answered. Matt had the most excitement. He called it a trifecta. Storm began, Tent collapsed, Moved family into the truck to wait out the storm. Kane threw up in the truck. Matt had not even taken into consideration righting the tent, moving family back into tent to finish the night and Kane having a messy pants. Some of life's greatest memories ... Missy fixed awesome breakfast burritos and there was good coffee as families packed up to head home after a short night. There was still time for a canoe ride and playing in the dirt. Such a great weekend. Thanks family!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lake view Black Hawk State Park

Up for Matt and Becky fixing sausage, bacon and pancakes. It was warm last night in the tent. In fact Evan had this comment when talking about the heat, "I can't believe you can sweat at night still." Kind of summed it up. Geese woke up the tents about 5:30 am. Quite a few comments. It was a full fun packed day. Luke ran 12 miles before 9, training for the DM Triathlon. Through out the day Denny gave motorcycle rides to each Grand. The kids got out the sprinkler and slip and slide. We took a bike ride on the Sauk Trail.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Merry Christmas to Me.

Picked green beans. 125 pounds today and 135 pounds a week ago, That's alot of green beans. Denny said Phillip was out picking to dark last night. I figured it would be on his to do list before heading to the camp ground, so I went out to help. At 11 I rode in with Missy when she took Anabel to the hospital to get a check on her pneumonia. I got most of the stuff ready to put in the camper. Also took a short nap. The kitchen was a mess. Tried to clean it too. About 3:30 I loaded the Prius and headed to Black Hawk state Park. Matt and Becky pulled in right after I did. So great. They unloaded, got out bikes and set up the tent. Mandy and Jason were next to arrive. Then Jensens, Dad was here at 6 with his Harley and Luke and Karen came about 7. Mandy and Jason grilled brats and had foil veggies and great salad. They brought their Weed whipper powered blender for blended drinks. YUM!! Kids got out the spray nozzle for cooling off and filling water balloons.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Visitors and Bible Study

Went to town. Didn't get a belt. Did get tire fixed on Prius. Didn't get a swimm suit. Did get IRA. Norma R. came to see the gardens. At home put together 6 more Farmer's market bouquets. Bible study 1:30 - 3:30. Teresa, Elfreida, Beth S. Sharon, Leah and me. Elfreida stayed to see the gardens. Went to Missy's where she and Ranae were fixing pesto and 6 kids were playing happily.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Getting ready to camp.

Slow at getting out today. I got flowers ready for Thursday CSA. Then organized camper a little. I mowed after lunch. Then started to rototill. Of course I broke it. UFFTA!! Denny caem home from work and thought I would be already to go. He got PHillips pickup and I loaded stuff into the camper. UFFTA!! i looaded up Denny's hose and nozzle. Not good news. At home I just wanted to head to bed. Pictures of Schrum girls and Elfriede's visit on Thursday.


Tuesday July 21

Up early. I got flowers ready for CSA this afternoon. At 11 I had a haircut. Looked at Wall Lake swimming pool then to Blackhawk State park to look around and get my site paid for. Then to IG to work at school until 4:45. Home for CSA pickup. Rachel's cousins came to look over the gardens and baby pigs. At night Denny and I worked on computer. Awana, etc.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Monday July 20

Went to DM for appointment and then to Trader Joes. Then home to start to cleanup the camper for this weekend.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday with the Schrums

I had devotions out on the deck. We left for church about 9:15 and got some groceries after church. Hendersons were at the house when we got back. We fixed sandwiches for lunch ... with sliced onions. YUM!! Gail decided that it would be good for us to plant some new things in Jeans' front triangle garden. Arlen and Denny went with us to HyVee and walmart to get plants. We played Qubb in yard after lunch. There were about 7 of us working on Jean's garden. Turned out okay. Arlen grilled chicken and veggies for supper, but Henderson's didn't stay. Cleaned up the kitchen and some played Qubb again. Later we had ice cream on the deck and watched Heartland in their family room. Then to bed. Good day with family.

Saturday night with Zimmermans

Nice am. Slow moving. We went to Jensens for sausage and eggs. Took pictures of the P&Z families. At home Denny worked on the shop. I dug up a couple of plants for Steven. We left about 3 for Ankeny. It was great to see all of Jean and Arlen's family. Aleen is a cutie. Nice baby grand niece. We brought brats and Schrums brought sweet corn and strawberry shortcake. Also had watermelon. Great meal. Nice to see their place. I had Steven dig up some Queen's ann's lace. Probably won't make it, but I tried. Then to Indianola and to bed.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Rained again last night

Another cooler morning ... only to turn hot and humid. I weeded beds around the house. Then made pink lemonade and helped pick green beans. The meat is ready at Holstein, Phillip went to get it and the repaired lawn mower tire. We are staying home tonight, working around the place and then we are heading to Indianola Sat afternoon. Z family made it to Jensens about the same time I went to finish mowing their yard. Then home to mow our lawn and I was done by 5:30. Denny and I had cauliflower and salsa, meat, and cheese dip. Tasted pretty good. The P&Z came over on the deck and put some to bed. While the other kids played we visited on the deck.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Crazy days in Storm Lake

Up pretty early. Picked up Missy and Anabel about 6:15. Off to Storm Lake shoe store. Mandy met us near Brown's shoes. All of the Jensens got new shoes. Missy got some for herself and Brooks, and ordered some for Phillip there. Evan got some at Goodwill ... Under Armour :) Anabel's were the hardest to find. We ended up going to a shoe store near Walmart. Aunt Mandy chipped in $10 to get Anabel's favorite. Home about noon. Made up 20 bunches of flowers for Stephanie to take to the farmer's 'market. She is selling jewelry and rugs. Bible Study 1:30- 3:30. Teresa, Sam, Laura and myself. Beth watched 3-6 kids in the basement. I started to mow at Jensens and the tire was flat. I went to to get a couple sandwiches at the farmers market and check it out. It looked like a hot place to be. I think attendance was helped by having grilled supper available. Stephanie sold about 10 and gave away a couple. ($26) At home and Denny and I chilled on the deck. ... and off the deck... Then we went and he fixed the water tank leak by the northeast part of the garden. Awesome!!! we can use a hose and water plants there now. Jensens came and chilled while kids took baths and watched a movie. Great day!! Pictures are of the farmer's market sign and kids playing with water and Grandpa. Good memories.