Thursday, July 2, 2015

Making some bouquets

The moon was kind of hazy this am. I wonder if it is the fires in Canada. Nice morning. I harvester flowers and put together 6 bouquets. CSA was busy doing turnips and bok choy. I baked the egg casserole in my oven and fixed Bok Choy salad. Then I napped until 2:30. Then mowed until 4. I took flowers into Susan and visited a little with Whitney and friend. I met Denny in IG old subway. At home we grilled steaks and sweet potatoes, plus bok choy salad. Missy and Phillip stopped by for a while. I took the grasshopper to Jensens and mowed. At home, Megan and Ryan came back from BC. We visited a little on the deck. Now to bed. pictures of picked flowers and arrangements I made this am. And cute pix of Goodenows :)

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