Monday, July 6, 2015

Nice rainy day

Missy stopped to say we got 2 and a half inches of rain last night. WOW!! I got flowers ready for Tuesday pickup and then harvested chives and basil. I went over to Jensens for lunch, Lynn was there talking about when Luann moves to Cherry Creek. I pulled weeds in basil. With all the rain, they came out really easy. Skies were filled with smoke from Canada fires. When Denny came home he went to work on shop in machine shed. Missy fixed roasted vegetables here while they were harvesting. We accepted the invitation for supper. It was so good. Evan has a pretty deep cough. Missy took kids into library; last day to turn in reading points. Pictures of Mo. Johnsons and Missy trying to avoid skydiving cardinal.

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