Monday, July 13, 2015

Seemed like I was busy all day

Up pretty early. Devotions on the deck. Visited with Beth on her way to work. After Denny left I went out and got 40 flower shares ready for Tuesday pickup. Cosmos, 2 snapdragons, 1-2 zinnias. Then did the nasty job of finally cleaning out the cupboards under my orange counter where mice had been dwelling. I was not looking forward to that job. Took a break with Jensens. Then got cleaned up and met Denny at city park for lunch. To Kim S. for Mary Kay. To school for about an hour. Got a few groceries. Home and news. Had some browned hamburger with onions for supper. Out to mow. Got er all done. MIssy started kids on swimming lessons from 6-7. Denny weeded all the time after work. Praying for Elizabeth's sister and cancer questions. Cousins 2 years ago:

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