Friday, July 24, 2015

Merry Christmas to Me.

Picked green beans. 125 pounds today and 135 pounds a week ago, That's alot of green beans. Denny said Phillip was out picking to dark last night. I figured it would be on his to do list before heading to the camp ground, so I went out to help. At 11 I rode in with Missy when she took Anabel to the hospital to get a check on her pneumonia. I got most of the stuff ready to put in the camper. Also took a short nap. The kitchen was a mess. Tried to clean it too. About 3:30 I loaded the Prius and headed to Black Hawk state Park. Matt and Becky pulled in right after I did. So great. They unloaded, got out bikes and set up the tent. Mandy and Jason were next to arrive. Then Jensens, Dad was here at 6 with his Harley and Luke and Karen came about 7. Mandy and Jason grilled brats and had foil veggies and great salad. They brought their Weed whipper powered blender for blended drinks. YUM!! Kids got out the spray nozzle for cooling off and filling water balloons.

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