Sunday, July 26, 2015

Thanks Family!!

Storm last night from 2-4. High winds, rain. I watched the four tents out my camper window. When I asked Denny if I should text them and say standing room available in the camper, he said No, So I just watched and prayed. Woke to a bright beautiful day at 7. Tents were standing. Everyone was present, none had blown away... My prayers were answered. Matt had the most excitement. He called it a trifecta. Storm began, Tent collapsed, Moved family into the truck to wait out the storm. Kane threw up in the truck. Matt had not even taken into consideration righting the tent, moving family back into tent to finish the night and Kane having a messy pants. Some of life's greatest memories ... Missy fixed awesome breakfast burritos and there was good coffee as families packed up to head home after a short night. There was still time for a canoe ride and playing in the dirt. Such a great weekend. Thanks family!!!

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