Monday, July 27, 2015

It looks like rain. Picking flowers and veggies during a sprinkle.

Worked on shipping a package back to the sender. I do not like automatic shipping. Good ole Denny got us registered for UPS and paid on line and a return shipping label printed. I went out to get containers ready for 40 CSA. Then helped Missy pick cukes, Then I picked 80 sunflowers, 120 cosmos greenery, 120 zinnias 91 lisianthus, 40 snapdragons. All for Tuesday flowers. Helped Missy pick zucchini, brought out veg caserole and cabbage salad. I took a quick wipe off before heading to IG with yoli to UPS. I checked Shopko, worked at school until 4:40. The ups pickup was at 5, so I quickly went to get groceries and was back by 4:50 only to find out that the UPS had been there. A nice J. Nicholson from Gomaco took my packages and would give them to UPS in the morning. At home I watched news. Denny and I cleaned the storage north of the machine shed. Then I made my first post on facebook. I am so glad I encouraged prayer for Matt Hudson tomorrow. I had Missy come over to help me post it. Denny had a mispost last night on Veltri's that really made him mad because he couldn't fix it.

 Brooks found the pile of rocks that Luke set out to chase away noisy geese if they bothered family Sunday am. 6 little stones ... just about about like David and Goliath.

  These are the birds from the window in Jason and Mandy's tent Saturday morning as the birds woke everyone up before 6 am.

  These are the rocks that Luke set out to scare away the birds!!!

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