Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Visitation for Bev. W.

I took a partial can of paint that I had Malcom's shake up and touch up painted all the "bread dough" wall scratches in the house. Now out to harvest flowers for Thurs CSA and mow the lawn, if it is dry enough. I texted Norma and asked her if she wanted to pick CSA flowers with me. She took me up on it and when she got here she would rather pull weeds than pick flowers because she said she wasn't sure how to do it. It was real easy to pull weeds because of all the rain. We fixed a bouquet for her and one for the gals whose house she was going to for supper. She left about 12:30 I worked on flowers until about 2. Then started to mow. Mandy called on her way home from her IG haircut. She had eaten lunch with Denny at the Arthur park. I finished mowing about 4:30. I made a card for Whitney's. Denny caem home from work, we watched the news and went to the visitation. Then to church to get a trumpet. Denny put the sprayer on the mower and I sorted bottles and cans. Water fight with Grandpa and snapshots of camp Boy did they have fun trying to get Denny with water balloons!!

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