Thursday, October 29, 2015

End of first quarter

Regular day at school.  One para was gone,  I met Susan at the hospital for lunch.  Was pretty great to leave school with 1/4th of the year done.  We gave little bags of candy to paras.  I stopped at Doses, Food pride before heading home.  Denny was busy getting ready for company after he got home.
Earlier this morning ......

Nancy and Jean had met up with Gail in Bevington on Thursday and Gail brought Nancy to Atlantic.   Scott met them and Gail and Nancy went down to Oseola to look at a stone house that Scott had built.    Here are some pictures.  It is amazing!!!  The stone walls go thru to the inside of the house.  It won't be good for winter with no inslation in the walls, but I don't think the owner is planning to live in it during the winter,  instead of living in their Florida home.


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