I went to school early and sat in on the superintendent's visit at the elementary school. Injury continues. Spa test tomorrow. I checked with Mr. about working Monday and Tuesday an extra 4 hours. He okayed it. Indepepndt living fixed biscuit and gravy. Upset student with detention. Some times I can't win. Left sub note for Jackie. Plan to do my Thursday night planning on Monday and Tuesday work on grades. AFter school I went to Jensen's and peeled potatoes and carrots. Missy got home from an ISU outing for the girls to look at futures in science, math and technology. Missy said it was excellent. She gave us walking tacos for supper. YUM! Denny looked fo PBS on the TV so we could watch The Lost Schol at 7. Jensens came over ... it was very pixilated. UFFTA!! Denny was busy all night with cleaning a repo. It has been a nasty job on these two cars. We went to bedpretty much after the show. When I drove to school today the maple tree near the mailbox isstarting to turn a pretty fall color. Made my day.

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