Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stopped at Krauses on the way home

Great morning. I left about 7 to walk to the farmer's market. It was a beautiful crisp morning. There were so many cool things to look at. Produce, jewelry, wooden signs, I bought a small tin filled with miniature pumpkins, gourds, bittersweet. I made it back by 8:2o to take a quick shower and go down for 8:40 breakfast. It was good. The owner operator was from Japan and bought this as a hobby. He told a great story about the history of the Red Stone house. We went to a garge sale that Becca told me about last night. My sister's would have loved it. Material on sale for 5 cents an inch. Lots of material!! Next we amde a Walmart run. Then to Krauses. Neppls met us there. We visited, the Iowa Wisconsin game was on TV. We ate a bite and let for home about 3. At home I went out and rototilled around some of the flower gardens. Missy came over and used the vacuum to clean out her car. We watche Longmire in bed before falling asleep. Such a fun weekend.

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