Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Happy Birthday Luke!!

Wishing you the BEST!!  May you always be in the center of God's will.   We have been blessed by having your children spend some time at the farm this week.  

What a great day!!! Coffee and Prayer at the Patio.  Then home for a cup of coffee.  Then in for a beautiful morning of pickle ball.  Then I pickuped the Grands at Goldsmiths.  My friend Brenda brought her 95 year old mom, Esther, who is at a nursing home in Wall Lake to our home to see the flowers.  After they left I thought I had a perm, but I hadn't booked the appointment and so I set up the next one for next Friday.  Mac and Cheese, read Dick and Jane book, naps, and play with pic art.  Wonderful day!!!   At 5 we took the kids back to IG and went to the Awana training meeting.  Nice crowd.  Lord, guide the planning, preparation, and serving on Wednesday nights.  At home we sat and rocked and then went up to sit in the bunkhouse bedroom.  Lovely day.

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