Thursday, September 30, 2021

Erik is married

Our nephew Erik got married in Finland today.  He met Fieke several years ago and she wasn't able to get a visa for Graham's wedding.  Erik won a Fullbright scholarship and so he is in Europe and they decided to get married there.  May God bless their marriage.  I can hardly wait to meet her.  

Rainy am.  No driving mower for Denny.  We chilled in the am.  Denny went to IG to get a new tire for  the generator trailer,   I went to Caroll to get the Prius serviced.  On the way home Mandy called, she was on her way to the airport to fly and visit Nicole and her baby.  It will be good for her to get a break and spend time with a good friend.  I fixed guacamole and we had a snack in the bunkhouse.  Denny had been struggling with putting in the remaining window boards.  I sanded a little.  We fixed pesto and Denny added spice to the meat for zuppa when the Nakasawa come for supper next week.   Another nice day.   

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