Sunday, September 19, 2021

Home again

Great time camping!  We left the campground, went home and then to church at 10:30.   We met the 4 gals from DM who were having a relaxing girl's weekend at our airbnb.  As I went thru Johnson Hall it was set up for the funeral with fall colors.  I checked with Kathi and then left Denny sitting in the sunroom after I had partially eaten my lunch.  How strange of me to just leave and go pick zinnias.  UFFDA!! We went to church about 1 and I put the flowers together in the area behind the organ while I did one of my favorite things in the world.  I listened to Deb while she was playing piano before the service.  It was just wonderful.  The service for Paul and Maryann was good.   Carol T. rode out to the cemetery with us. Maryann's life was so special to me.  Next to my mom and Anabel she has had the most profound influence on my life.  Maybe starting when Mandy was a baby Maryann babysat for the children of young moms who came to a Stonecroft Bible study in my kitchen.  She would be in the basement while we met for 1-2 hours.  She was a complete blessing.  So kind, So prayerful, So diligent.  Thank you Jesus for her life!!  

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