Thursday, August 31, 2023

To Zimmerman

Both of us got up pretty early and chilled in the bunkhouse.  Both chairs upstairs are comfortable.  I went to IG get Denny's 6 prescriptions.  Also stopped at Dose.  We packed showered and headed north about 10 am.  It was good driving weather.  We decided to take 20 and I35 even tho the traffic will be heavy in Minn.  I put some collages together on the ride.  I'm missing Carol.  

We got to Zimmerman about 4.  And went to the game about 6.  Tough game.  against 5th ranked in the state.  Score ended up to be 20 something to 60ish.  Uffda !! At time it seemed painful.  Olivia came over after the games.  

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Chill at home

Up for devo.  I had coffee with Denny in the sunroom as I caught up on my blog.  I rode with him as he went for a haircut.  I talked to UBI get Nancy's bank account changed and then I went to Davey's and ordered their oriental dish to go.  We finished getting the airbnb ready.  We sampled Gary's gift out on the deck with fruit and then our oriental meal.  So good!! Lovely day.  Denny cleaned the Prius to travel to Minn. tomorrow.   My morning glories have amazing vines ... no flowers, but lots vines.  

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Carol's funeral

We got up to fix breakfast about 6.  Denny fixed the best scrambled eggs ever!!  We got to the church about 9:30.  It was a treat to listen to the music of Kay B. Joey H. and Trisha H.  The burial was at Hayes Township after the lunch.  At home we napped, did laundry, and chilled.  SAD day, Carol will be missed ... so much.  Heart breaking.  Yet, not disheartening because she and we have the promise of Heaven.  This life will soon be over.  


Monday, August 28, 2023

Golf in Cherokee Boys and Visitation

I made finishing touches on Home place to get ready for the Goldsmiths.  I golfed with Nancy in Cherokee, we shot a 39 ... one of the 39's won 3rd place first flight.   I drove to Mandy's and picked up the  Cook boys, Tyler at day care and Jack after school.  We ate ice cream at Mc D. and changed into soccer clothes.   I dropped off the boys and headed to IG to stop by visitation at the Catholic church.   Denny was at visitation and then headed home  for the home school year kick off picnic.  I got there and it looked like people all around having a good time, visiting, playing soccer, jumping on the trampoline, using the merry round.  Rachel counted 75 people that were there.  It worked  out very well.  Masters did a great job picking and cleaning up when everyone left.  When the visitation was over Mandy, Becky and Matt came home.  Some of the Goldsmiths went to Pete's after the visitation.  We visited out on the patio before heading to bed.  Z. Johnsons were in the cabin.  Mandy slept int he camper.  And we were in the bunk house.  Julie, Phillip, Amanda and James were upstairs, Tom Kelly and Emma were in Prairie Whole.  It worked out well.  


Sunday, August 27, 2023


We went to Church and SS.  I left little early to go golfing with Luke, Mark, Pete, and Rose.  It was a nice afternoon, Luke and I played best shot against Mark and Pete.  Rose mostly got treats, got to ride in the cart and putt on a few holes.  I brought the kids home with me after golf, so the 5 adults to could to a movie at King Theater.  Luke came to get them before bed.  We moved our stuff to the bunk house, so we could stay there the next couple nights.  Nice day.   I put together flowers for golf tomorrow.  Also, nice pictures of coach Cole Goodenow. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Market at the Farm.

Up and enjoying the morning.  SO THANKFUL NOT TEACHNG!!!!    Another great sister call ... with Carol's passing, I am treasuring each moment.  Lord, keep me in the moment.

I picked up Brenda, then Mary Kay them Rebecca for a ladies day at Market at the farm, north of Denison.  It was a beautiful day, wonderful venue, good Chinese food truck.  All in all a super day.  After we got home and naps, we went to a surprise birthday party for Luke at Goldsmith's.  

Friday, August 25, 2023

Happy Birthday, Jean

Lovely morning.  I am so amazed how blessed we are.  This place is like heaven, a sanctuary from God for us to share with others.  Plans are to have Goldsmiths stay at our home over the days of Carol's funeral.  I went in to play pickleball and stopped to say Hi.  Luke and Karen weren't up, Melissa was helping clean.  When I got home Denny and I mowed.  It looks so great when all get trimmed.  I watered the gardens.  Denny and I rocked on the porch, then he cleaned the pickup and I put away stuff from my bedroom drawers.  At 6 I went to OABCIG football game and sat with Renae.  Elizabeth came over to talk to me second quarter.  I stopped by Goldsmiths, Luke was putting Lincoln to bed.  At home Denny was asleep.  Another great day.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Carol beats us to heaven

Bummer for us.  Blessings for her.  Our day is coming when we will join her and Jesus forever.   Now that's something to look forward to.  I sorted/ put away more stuff.  We invited Goldsmith's to use the airbnb's for family.  Matt and Becky are coming down and will stay in Cabin and us in the bunkhouse.  It should work.  Homeschoolers are using the garage/ yard/ and upstairs bathrooms for the Homeschool potluck picnic, so the yard will be busy over the supper hour.  The visitation goes until 6, so well have to reserve parking spaces for the airbnb guests.   We drove the Lemans to the fairgrounds for the REC dinner It was a fun night.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Cherokee with Grands

 It was a lovely lazy morning, doing the putting away thing.  Karen called me to say the kids were up and so I went to IG and took them to Cherokee to play with the Cook boys.  It was a great day.  Jack starts school tomorrow.  We went to the park at Spring Lake, Then McD's for ice cream and the museum and New Leaf.  Quick stop at Cook home to get our car.  I drove the Prius home when Denny had been     busy.  We had a great meal of brats and green beans.  It has been hot, hot, hot this week.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 I went to OGT and afterwards I picked ups Rose and Lincoln and brought them to the farm.  They spent time under the sprinklers that were spraying the trampolines.  Then we made pesto  and hummus.  I took them back to Goldsmiths about 6:30.  I went to the volley ball match and sat with Renae.  Nice Day. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Pink Golf

I was up at 5 after gong to bed about 3 pm.  Uffda!!! I was tired! After devo I went out t o put together a pink bouquet for the golf outing.  It was a nice day.  I played with Jane, Lisa, Eileen, Rhonda and Jackie.  We shot a 47, lucky enough to be at the bottom of the second flight and win a pick golf ball.  I stopped at Christina's flower bed and then Goldsmith's before I headed home.  Denny had gotten the oil changed in the pickup and started washing the bedding and cleaning... first the airbnb, then the upstairs.  I wrongly fixed marinara / salsa, hamburger and cheese to use up leftovers for supper.  We opened some cards that came in the mail and went to bed, after I got done working on past due blog.  

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Reception at church

 Devo, chill, We took boys to SS.  Nice reception between SS and church.  I was tired.  Nap after I got home.  Cooks are so amazing and helped get stuff put away.  SO NICE!!!  Denny fixed BLT's and we ate leftovers  Cooks ran ZTR mowers.  After they left I went to bed and slept until the next morning.  I was so tired. and thankful and tired.  Boys were tired, too. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Start the put away

I was up and fixed cheese scrambled eggs.  Jean cut up cream cheese squares, peaches, and watermelon.  She put bags of meat in the refrigerator.  I fixed sausage patties.  It was different with the patio chairs pushed in the grass and just folding chairs on the patio.  Great to sit around and visit.  Keith and Jane were the first to leave.  Then Bill and Kathy, Fay and Jerry, Meg, Bruce N. Jean, Arlan and Nancy, After lunch Matt and family and Luke went to Minn.  Karen and kids next.  We napped. After naps the Cook boys launched water balloons.   Denny  loaded up tables, etc for Hendersons and coolers for Goldsmiths.  I took cake into Golden Horizons and flower and pictures to church.  We came home and ate Smoked pork butt sandwiches.  Cooks rode/skated and ran the trail before heading to the farm.  Lots undone,  Life is good.

Friday, August 18, 2023

50 years

 Fay made an amazing breakfast, helped by Meg.  Mexican coffee.  Brenda brought her cakes over. Some went golfing.  Brad fixed toilet.  All set up tables, garage, food thawed, meal planned, and zoom the night was over .... Well, not quite that fast, but WAY too fast.  So many friends, family, We are so blessed.  Thank you Jesus.  

Denny Me, Matt, Becky, Kane, Luke, Karen, Rose, Lincoln, Mark Jason, Miranda, Jack, Tyler, Linda, Dean, Diane, Jay, Gary, Kim, Julie, Sherry, Nancy, Gail, Bruce, Jean, Arlan, Keith, Jane, Young Bruce, Fay, Jerry, Joyce, Brad, Bill, Kathy, Meg, Jackie, Roger, Mike, Jacque, Sherry, Steve, Ann, Charlie, Dureen, Carol, Jim, Rachel, Annika, Jessica, Josh, Darren, Mary, Mary Kay, John, Joann, Larry, Kim, Curtis, Susan, Gordon, Teresa, Bob, Brenda, Mike, Ben, Ken, Lisa, Kathy, Rory, Morgan, Rich, Judah Justus, Garrison, Erin, Adam, Asher, Wesley, Jake, Hannah, Lincoln, Dock, Bishop, ?, Merle, Dixie, Jim, Denise, Pat, Brandi, daughter, little one, Dan, Renae, Gavin, Stella, Leo, Plus 5 more band and a second Denise R.