Monday, August 21, 2023

Pink Golf

I was up at 5 after gong to bed about 3 pm.  Uffda!!! I was tired! After devo I went out t o put together a pink bouquet for the golf outing.  It was a nice day.  I played with Jane, Lisa, Eileen, Rhonda and Jackie.  We shot a 47, lucky enough to be at the bottom of the second flight and win a pick golf ball.  I stopped at Christina's flower bed and then Goldsmith's before I headed home.  Denny had gotten the oil changed in the pickup and started washing the bedding and cleaning... first the airbnb, then the upstairs.  I wrongly fixed marinara / salsa, hamburger and cheese to use up leftovers for supper.  We opened some cards that came in the mail and went to bed, after I got done working on past due blog.  

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