Saturday, August 5, 2023

Car show!!!

God works things out.  I woke at 6 and went downstairs just as 3 came to the bunk house porch.  They drove in from Chicago and just arrived.  I showed them the bedrooms in the house that they could use.  Tim and Jeremiah joined them and Tim headed to town with a note and some flowers few had picked from the garden.     I texted Lisa to give her a heads up. she texted and said she forgot about corsages  for moms and grandmothers, so I put some together.  Denny left about 9 to go to Galva to a car show.  I joined him about 11.  The day was beautiful.  I headed to Arthur about 1 for Alyssa's wedding.  When I got home after the wedding Denny was there with a top 40 trophy.  Sweet.   I showered and we went to the reception at 5. Nice time at the skate palace.  Sweet wedding.  There were lots of Moody students there, a couple tables full, all active and having fun.  Great day again!!

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