Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Dig, dig, dig

Uffda!! What was I thinking.  Keith, Jane, and I went to Nancy Solomonsons house and dug plants that had to be removed so the retaining wall can be fixed.  My! I left with the back of the Prius filled with plantsvand when I got home I really questioned my judgement.  I should have weeded my present flower/weed patch.  I left the digging and met Mugs at T Bocks for an early lunch.  Sweet visit.  I left for home and got home about 6.     Twice I drifted off.  Lord, grant me wisdom. AT home Denny had been cleaning, cleaning, CLEANING!!!  We moved our stuff out to the bunkhouse.  The Home place is airbnbed out for the first time.  Thank you Jesus!!

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