Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Happy Birthday Tyler!!

Tyler, we love the sparkle in your eyes.   It has been fun to see you learn about Jesus.  Thank you for babysitting yourself so I could play pickle ball.  MAKE THAT PLAY INDePeNDenTLY:)

The Winneshiek county Master Gardener Tour was at Keith's   Keith had coffee made when I got up.  I did various "get ready" jobs for Keith.  I tried to order snapfish picture for the 18th.  Lord, help it go thru.  About 5:30 30 Master Gardener's came to enjoy Keith and Jane's home. and yard.  Great potluck afterward.  Denny got the Snapfish canvas prints ordered after he came home from Tyler's birthday party.  Fun day!! Tyler had quite a birthday,  It was a firetruck theme and one of Mandy's friends drove the Quimby firetruck into the yard of their home.  Hope they don't keep one upping as each birthday rolls around. 

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