Monday, August 28, 2023

Golf in Cherokee Boys and Visitation

I made finishing touches on Home place to get ready for the Goldsmiths.  I golfed with Nancy in Cherokee, we shot a 39 ... one of the 39's won 3rd place first flight.   I drove to Mandy's and picked up the  Cook boys, Tyler at day care and Jack after school.  We ate ice cream at Mc D. and changed into soccer clothes.   I dropped off the boys and headed to IG to stop by visitation at the Catholic church.   Denny was at visitation and then headed home  for the home school year kick off picnic.  I got there and it looked like people all around having a good time, visiting, playing soccer, jumping on the trampoline, using the merry round.  Rachel counted 75 people that were there.  It worked  out very well.  Masters did a great job picking and cleaning up when everyone left.  When the visitation was over Mandy, Becky and Matt came home.  Some of the Goldsmiths went to Pete's after the visitation.  We visited out on the patio before heading to bed.  Z. Johnsons were in the cabin.  Mandy slept int he camper.  And we were in the bunk house.  Julie, Phillip, Amanda and James were upstairs, Tom Kelly and Emma were in Prairie Whole.  It worked out well.  


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