Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cherokee and move to bunkhouse

I worked on the flowers around the place before I headed to Cherokee for a chiropractor appointment.  Sweet Dr Becky had made a booklet of 3 exercise for me.  Now if only I do them.  I went to Alta, and got a couple coffee pots, then Storm Lake SOS, justyt looked, and Walmart to get a neon yellow shirt for Jason.   I stopped at Blooming House and bought 2 bleeding hearts.  I picked up Tyler at day care and then we got Jack after school.  They played at the school play ground and then went to the museum where they brushed dirt /sand away from fossils and Denny called to say the Home Place airbnb was booked ... for tonight ....  at 7 pm. I cut my time short and headed home to finish moving stuff- toiletries, clothes, hairdryer, medicine, food, dishes for eight days .  We got everything (I hope) moved to the bunk house and started chilling in our love shack (the name Whitneys gave their extra apartment that they go too when their home is airbnbed.).  SO FUN!!!  Travis came to the porch and visited.  They are a family of Grandparents, Travis and Sherry, parents, Jordan and Haley, Corbin = 10, Kit =6, Harlyn=2..  from Texas, here to help other son lay fiber optics cable along roads near Denison. 

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