Friday, May 24, 2024

Help Sherry

 Well, dumb me.  I lifted up the hatchback and loaded a basket and a shovel in the back of the Prius.  Then I went to the bunk house to get my keys/ phone/coffee, then walked back to the garage and and backed out ...Leaving the Hatch back UP  OH, NO!!!  The hatch was up and ran into the garage door.  Dumb me!!! Denny, bless his heart, got it black taped so I could head to Rickets to help Sherry get ready for Sam's graduation party.  We decorated the community building which is kitty-corner from Sherry's home.  We also goto Sam's bedroom put together.  I got home and we napped for a while.  Mandy and Jason plus their friends Leah, Nate, plus kids and Cheryl and Heidi came to spend the night.  It was fun to show them around and sit, visit and snack in the coop.  We went to bed about 11.  Luv our little  bunkhouse.

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