Friday, May 17, 2024

Denny went to Dose!!! and got something!!!!

It is Carol's Goldsmith birthday.  Karen sent out this sweet post.  I was up at 5:30.  I had done devo around 2 am 'cause I went to sleep at 7:30 last night.   I planted the sorry looking snapdragons that I started in Texas. It was hard trying to figure out if I should go in to play PB.  My, I am glad I didn't.  When Denny started on the waterer he found out he didn't have the right pieces SO HE WAS GOING TO IG.  I begged him to wait for me until I got the sorry plants in the ground.  and he did.  Bless his heart!!!  I got the big frame for the wedding collage at Doses.  I had Denny get 2 glossy white spray paint  and I walked down to Another Dose, Denny really didn't want to go into my favorite place, but he did..He found TWO STORAGE SHELVES for the kitchen area in the bunk house.  Amazing!!! Just what we were needing AND Denny didn't have to cut a board or screw.  Two amazing things.  Denny went in to Doses!!!  HE FOUND THE SHELVING!!! 2 of them!!! At home I made a phone call to Cherry and visited 15 minutes then spray painted the shelving and the coffee table and the stair step side table and the small garden bench white.  I got some cone flowers from Jessi then  I went in to help Laura shop for plant gifts for school staff.   After I got home we went to Jillian's grad party.  At home we just were amazed how blessed we are.   The kids posted music from their day.  Missing Carol....  Great picture by Elizabeth B. 



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