Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Up at 5 and devo.  I headed to Cherokee at 6:30  played PB with Larry and Shelly +.  At9 Tessa did my nails.  I took some donations to New Leaf, got the booster seats and picked up Tyler at Preschool.  On the way to Alta, we stopped and hit some golf shag balls at the Aurilla course.  We were back in town to get Jack after school.  I had gotten potato Ole's and we ate them at the c=school playground.  Quick visit at home and then I took Jack to gymnastics and headed home.  After unloading the car I helped Denny finish mowing the lawn.  THE RABBITS HAVE EATEN MY PLANTS!!  WE PUT THE PLASTIC FENCING AROUND them.   Lord help me!!  Denny grilled the marinated chops.  We ate on the bunkhouse porch.  I took a small table for Denny to put his plate on. 

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