Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Denny's back

I did not sleep well last night.  Every way I lay on my shoulder, it hurt.  Denny had taken Advil PM and just lay on his back fast asleep.  I saw Missy before she and Phillip headed to Mayo for an MRI and meeting with a specialist.  Lord, grant them safety and good answers.  I put together pint jars with flowers for the Farm to Table.  Kinda tricky with the tall tiger lilies that leaned in the jar.  Hopefully tape across the top and a ribbon holding the tape down will keep them in place.   At 9 I went to town and played a couple games of pickle ball before my Physical Therapy.  At home Denny and the boys were putting the grid to hold the ceiling panels in place in the basement.  I think it is gonna look nice.  We went into the hospital for his appointment and while we waited I call the bank to tell them about my up and coming visit out of the country. We bought season 1 on Gilmore Girls.  ` Denny had gotten the international phone plan for me earlier today.  I zipped up my suitcase, it weighed 45 pounds.  Now for my carryon and backpack. Lord, grant us all safe travels.  1:36 still waiting to see Dr. Meyer.  When we saw him he scheduled a nerve block and started physical therapy.  

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