Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Happy Birthday Lincoln!!!

Sweet boy Lincoln!!! Happy 5th birthday to you!!  May you always make prayer a priority,  Tell Jesus just what you are thinking.  He is your friend for a lifetime.  

    Up for Devo and stretch.  Yesterday it seemed like I had better range of motion without the pain that is with me today.  Laura needed some one to go with her to walk the new dog to school on the trail,  I went with her from 7:15-8:45.  Then to PB until 9:30.  Then OGT til 11. Quick shower at Laura's,  and off to PT.  I went to Sioux City for an eye exam.  Everything looks good.  I ordered glasses and went to use the Target 2 $5 coupons that we got at the Twins' game. At home Denny was mowing roadsides for Larson's.  I picked some flowers and put them in the cooler in preparation for making arrangements with Nikki.  

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