Friday Feb. 6 I got a call last night to see if I could sub for Jim Mickelson at OA. so that's where I was today. He had first hour planning, 2nd hour Pre Med. I thought that was quite something to have 14 students taking a class to help them in the medical profession. The lesson plans said they were working on power points and avio video. So I asked the kids...the class was Presentations and Media...Silly me. Then there was a econ class, and a government class both of which had tests. A HS PE class and after lunch 3 elementary PE classes. Nice day. Missy is getting ready for the party. I finished painting the wooden letters A B A L N E. Rearrange the letters and what do you get? ANABEL We have pink table cloths, glasses, napkins, and plates. Missy finished frosting the 2 lamb cakes. Alan and Laurie Jensen got here about 8 pm. I'm pretty sure this picture is of the garage sale where I got the fire truck. I must have already taken it to the car. Missy, Nancy Newhouse, Anabel, and me, My cousin Myrna, Nancy, Gail, Jane. and Jean Plus there were some who chose not to go saling.