Saturday, February 28, 2009


R&R Wed. Feb. 25 Denny didn't wake me up...I woke up at 7 and knew the load out of about 930 pigs was scheduled for 7:30. Just time enough to see the neighbors and get my sugar fix. Evan & Missy were snuggling in bed. I got Anabel out of the crib when I heard her stir. Then up to the unit by 7:30. Load out, spray 2 rooms, and set up 2 rooms...Missy brought lunch. taco salad and birthday cake made Great Grandma Johnson. Showered out about 5:15 then to IG to pick up my riders to Awana. There were no takers...Chance and Jordan must have decided that riding in the church van was more fun that riding with I headed to Arthur. When I got to church...Surprise!! Becky had brought Haley, Torren, Grandma Jenny, Cousin Addison and Brady with 3 pans of bars for my birthday. Matt had met Becky's brother and sister in law and they were headed skiing in Colorado. Becky was spending the time with her folks. She came to wish me a Happy Birthday. Sadly though I didn't get to visit much. Such a sweet idea. Thanks Becky!! The picture kinda says it all...time to go to Kingsley and get those children to bed... We had a nice visit with Missy and Phillip in our cozy office after kids were in bed. They head to Colorado tomorrow to ski 3 days with Mandy, Matt and Hirschman clan. E&A go to Ames with Jensen grandparents Thurs & Fri. Saturday we make the switch. We care for E&A Sun & Mon.

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