Thurs. Feb. 5 Another early am at the unit...I missed Denny giving another bath. Just a clean boys when I got there. They like eating oatmeal with Grandpa. AND HE LIKES IT, TOO. Missy went with E over to Great Granny's to bake a lamb cake for the birthday party on Saturday. Torren just sat on my lap while I worked on blogs. He liked to watch grandpa drive the bobcat and push snow. My box of Awana store items came. I got them all priced before I headed to Holstein to make the grandson exchange. I was 5 miles from meeting Jenny and realized Torren's bed toys and pjs were still in my dryer. I went back to get them and Jenny waited for me in Ida Grove. I went to Sue's for study. I stopped to look at some moving sale furniture. Then to unit. Missy cleaned today... getting ready for party. At night we started a fire in the coop and went out there for a while. Mandy, Dad wanted you to know it is now day 80.
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