Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fri Nov 13

11/13/09 We got this nice kindergarten picture of Haley last week. I subbed at the HS in the afternoon for science. I came home and quickly fed the sows. Laura asked if I could give her a ride to the play. We ate at Subway first. Amy was in the play along with our neighboor Ivan. The students did a very good job. Janet C. had gotten the letters done for me. I gave Jane O. my quilt to finish hand quilting. I started quilting it when Missy was a freshman (17 ?? years ago). The material has almost worn out. I told her there was no hurry. (Like is has been that long...What's with another yer or two.) Denny passed his test to sell credit life insurance. On the way back from Des Moines he stopped in Carroll and drove an '04 Prius with 126 K miles on it. He went in to Fred P.'s vistation after he got home.

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