Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sun Nov 29

11/29/09 After feeding at the unit I went to SS. I found out I am suppose to be in the nursery next Sunday when we will be in Dubuque. So I switched and did nursery today for SS. There were 4 little ones. 3 little girls that could toddle around and one little guy. His mom said he was in need of an am nap. I thought to myself, "Fat chance of that"...but really, what do I know? He fell asleep in my arms with about 30 minutes left of SS...and the 3 littles girls just played nicely for the remaining time... so I just held him as he slept. What a treat!! When Carrie, his mom, came in to get him, I got the okay to take him out and just hold him during the service. Oh, my, it doesn't get much better than that! Great start to the day and then after church Karen came out to join us for lunch. It was a good day. Naps in the afternoon and I got my check book reconciled and entered into the computer. I went to prayer tonight and Shigae was there from Turkey. He said sometimes there have been prayer support mission groups that have come and walked through the city where he and Luann are. They would pray for the people and the gospel. He said he would give me an open invitation for any time I could come. I said I would pray about it. I can't say I would have ever thought about that on my own. It's some thing to pray about along with their other needs. He and Luann have 4 children under 8 years old. The other mission couple has 5 under 11 with number 6 on the way. Their team started out with more families, but now it is just down to the 2 of them. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out more workers, and to open the hearts of the Muslims to the Gospel.

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