2/09 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN !! This picture was taken at Dubuque during the Newhouse Christmas. Susan had gotten this white erase board and started using it to write down all her family gifts. Good use (right away) of the gift from the grab bag exchange. In fact maybe she bought and brought this gift because she actually wanted it. I heard that Julie bought and brought a small heater. She wanted one that would keep her feet warm under her desk at work and thought she might end up with it at the gift exchange. (I don't know if she went home with it, but it was a great idea to get something YOU WOULD REALLY LIKE AND USE.) Today I was at the unit at 5. Then home til 7 when Denny left for work. Then to the unit til 8:30. Then to BC to sub for Lisa H. She teaches one 4th grader who has extreme ADH. She works from 9-2. It was interesting to sub for her. I was back at 2:30 to give shots with Neil and Mark to 1 more room. Neil had to go then. I worked at the unit until 6 when I went home for Bible study. Stacy, Emily, Danielle, Sarah, and Reeann.
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