Friday, November 6, 2009

Fri Nov 6 13164

11/6/09 It's too bad this came out so blurry. Missy had always been a good little mama. So cute the way she cared for Luke. Wouldn't it be funny to have him in a picture lined up with the same stuffed animals now? I got the brown rocker/recliner just to rock & hold my new little baby boy. We still have the rocker. It still works well even tho it has it's share of baby urp up. Today the day was a little easier day at the unit. :) I went to IG in the am to take a wedding card to April L. and pick up some pig feed. Nice break. I finished up most of my work at the unit and was at home by 5 to pack. When Denny got home from work at 6:30 he changed clothes and we loaded the car and headed to St Joe. LET'S GO SEE THOSE KIDS!! It's been too long since we've seen them (State Fair August 18).

1 comment:

  1. would much rather have lists of your wal mart purchases than nothing at all...
