Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sat. Nov 14 13290

11/14/09 Slept in. (actually Denny slept in and I got up & just dinged around until he got up.) I didn't go to the unit til after 10. Denny spent most of the day fixing at the unit. I went to the Fred P. funeral at 2. I got pizza afterward kept it warm in the oven until we had it for supper in the coop. Denny got a load of firewood in the afternoon while I planted the 31 lily bulbs that I got in the mail. Cute pix of the kids practicing for showing at the fair. Do you notice anything? (besides how great the pigs looked). Denny got a chuckle out of what he saw.


  1. Ok.....why is that so funny?????

  2. Hey Matt ..The extra long coated pliers handles is what is so funny :>)!!! Not the pliers themselves. Love DAD
