Monday, November 9, 2009

Mon Nov 9 13193

11/9/09 Back to the real world. The walk on Sat was great. Haley said it was the longest walk she had ever been on. Torren did a good job following the other 2, but why would you just walk on the sidewalk...when there were lawns to walk on...sticks to pick up...dirt to look at? Every so often he would say, "Hold me" and Grandpa would give him a ride on his shoulders for a block or 2. This am I went for a quick cup of coffee at the folks. Howard was heading for IG but waited to hear about our weekend before he left. They said April's wedding an Sat was very nice. I sprayed gilt room 4 at the unit. At Bible study tonight was Ranea, Stacy, Steph, Danielle, Emily, Sarah and me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with the kids and grandkids. It really was a beautiful weekend. Take care and love ya. Jean
