Good breakfast at Mo Johnson’s before church. We went to Matt and Becky’s connections class. Nice bunch of people. At 11 we went to eat Chinese at Little Panda’s. Matt started mowing the lawn when we got home. Denny took a nap. Haley and I played games and made designs with foam letters. We got started home about 2:30. We stopped in Council Bluffs where I got a short shop at Goodwill. During the day Howard had dizzy spells and so he didn't go in for his Sunday paper. He didn't have much to eat. Linda came over for the afternoon.
We left for Lawrence about 9:00 and got to Karen’s apartment about 10:30. Pete and Carol had come down last night. Karen had gotten most things pretty much ready to move. We drove the pick up so Luke could load it and take Karen’s things to Burlington. We’ll take Luke’s car back to St. Joseph and then home. We ate lunch at The Merc A grocery store / food copp /deli. Hooding was at 1. We had front row seats in th balcony, Matt and family were there when we got there. Little ones were really good during the 1 hour + graduation. Snacks at the Law building, Played in a park. Great weather. We went to Jessie and Ricks then to The Eldridge for 6:15 reservations. Thanks Pete for the great meal. Matt and Becky drove back to Karen’s apartment, then they headed home. We brought Torren with us. Great day!! For a birthday and hooding.
I was up early and finished typing a new World history test for my three students. It takes me forever to type. Coffee at the folks. I taught my last classes for the 2010-2011 year. How strange is that? Can’t believe I did it and the year is pretty much over. Wow, I really didn’t think that I would make it. There has been so much to learn, AND there still is so much I need to know. (For instance a voc rehab gal called for a student's contact information… I am suppose to give it out? I called the foster dad and he gave the okay, and so I gave out his phone number.) In Indep. Living I mostly summarized what we have covered. I told them to use their old tests to study from for the final. After school we visited with the neighbors. Then headed to St. Joe about 7 pm. We got there about 11 and talked until 12:15. That’s SO late for me. Missy subbed at the middle school for Dee B. today. Elizabeth watched the 3.
Coffee at the folks. Missy subbed for Susie M. at the HS today. Kathi J. watched the 3. At 1, we three SPED teachers left for Odebolt to get an update on students that will be coming to the HS next year. We stopped at the hospital jewelry sale first before heading to Odebolt.. Vicki does not like going to these meetings, but we did have fun looking at jewelry. Denny worked on putting 2 new tires on the Prius. I had gotten them from Rupp. The folks came over and brought birthday cake. German chocolate. YUM!
Coffee at the folks Ind. Liv ate food the fixed. After school I came home and weeded one flower bed. 4 guys came to the farm with Phillip. He had to go to Odebolt to get Brandon. Phillip got a part for the Dixon in the morning. Denny fixed the mower and then he went up and finished mowing at the unit. Good to have the mower running. Denny is amazing. Grandma knew we were going to be gone on Denny's birthday so she fixed a German chocolate cake for him early.
Monday Coffee at the folks Don't remember what else went on. Tuesday Coffee at the folks At school Ind. Liv. started fixing the last foods lab. Rice Krispie bars, Vegetable pizza, Funfetti cookies, Smoothies, Baked beans, Mac and cheese. I ran four miles after school on the trail. Missy was at Ranae’s and whistled at me. Denny fixed the sprayer that goes on the 4 wheeler. He had gotten parts at Bomgaars. I went up and mowed at the unit while he sprayed. Phillip had started and mowed there for about an hour. Of course, the mower stopped working while I was using it. Denny put the sprayer and four wheeler away and took the tractor and loader and brought the mower home in the loader bucket. I had gone to bed.