Coffee at folks with little A. Meeting at 8:30 with guradian grandmother toanswer questions and firm up the IEP plans. Jeans day. Last Friday of the month. After school I headed home. Missy helped with Lesson plans with chick peas and toothpick. Laura called about 5 and invited me to go with Della, and Lynn and herself to the Inn and eat supper for Laura's birthday. And so I did. I felt a little guilty for not staying home and studying for the final tomorrow. But life is short, and I have been missing being with my friends. So I went. Great food and nice to listen to the girl talk. The rose is from the rose bush at Brownsville. Mom loved to have us take care of it. Weed, fertilize,etc. I have never seen very many roses from it. Lila said it had bloomed a lot this year. Pretty color.
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