I was up at 5:15. Left for SC about 7:30. Stopped at HS to get computer charger. WW at 9:00. Met with home school families (3) at 9:30. Took back 3 grad books ($48) Returned to clear corrigated plastic panels. Got 4 pkges for buns. Stopped at IG and got 4 packages of wieners. At home I took a short nap. Missy and Phillip left about 1 with the boys to go shopping and out to eat.. (It sounded like they had a great time shopping and eating out.) I put the grands down for naps. I set table in sunroom for tomorrow's lunch. Denny cleaned out the coop. After naps kids and I watched Little House on the Praire. About 7 we left for Grace S. graduation party. It was a cold windy gray day. Great food there. Kids liked to play with kittens at Smiths. The picture is from the next day and the group out at hour home for Danielle's going away party. Some of the group were looking at the sheep in the background.
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