I didn't sleep the best last night. I headed to SC early. Didn't have to go to WW, I hadn't realized I had already been there this month. The lesson plan went okay. The final went okay. I was so thankful to have Shari be my partner for the test. Passed - 100% - was the posted grade. :) Denny met me in IG and we drove to Odeobot to look at different car for me. Beckmans wasn't open. We headed home. Quick nap, then get ready for Awana final meeting. I mowed the lawn, Denny cleaned the coop. About 6 they came. Pastor, Donnabel (she came twice, the first time no one came to the door so she headed to Arthur, then came back). 2 miles, 2 doses, 2 goodenows, 2 masters, Mary G. 4 Bergmans, 2 Stangls , 2 Holmes, Reed, 2 of us. Total 21 Praise the Lord for the many Awana workers. We stayed up too late after they went home. Just sat in the coop and was thankful to have one more Morningside class done. I've completely 11 credits so far this year since September. It has been a stretch for me, not comfortable at all. But I do like to learn about what I am suppose to be doing. Carlie and I have been working on shapes. The chick peas and toothpicks is the mini lesson I did for 407. So thankful the class is done.
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