HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENNY!!! 61 YEARS old. CONGRATS KAREN AT HOODING! Law school- Lawrence Kansas- Kansas State.
We left for Lawrence about 9:00 and got to Karen’s apartment about 10:30. Pete and Carol had come down last night. Karen had gotten most things pretty much ready to move. We drove the pick up so Luke could load it and take Karen’s things to Burlington. We’ll take Luke’s car back to St. Joseph and then home. We ate lunch at The Merc A grocery store / food copp /deli. Hooding was at 1. We had front row seats in th balcony, Matt and family were there when we got there. Little ones were really good during the 1 hour + graduation. Snacks at the Law building, Played in a park. Great weather. We went to Jessie and Ricks then to The Eldridge for 6:15 reservations. Thanks Pete for the great meal. Matt and Becky drove back to Karen’s apartment, then they headed home. We brought Torren with us. Great day!! For a birthday and hooding.
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