Monday, September 30, 2013

Good check up for Denny

Chilly am, but spose to get up to 80. I had two students absent.  Bummer.  Donna was with her sisters today, Andrea subbed. Visited in am with Susan and Pat, during 5th hour with Cathy, Allison 7th hour. Then IEP at 3.  It went okay.  My login to IDEA was blocked so couldn't make good copies of IEP for meeting and frustrating to not be able to write on document.  Of Denny's doctor appointment she said he may get to reduce blood pressure medicine.  He worked with Phillip outside on water pipes.  Lord grant them wisdom on fixing the problem.  Pictures of Saturday digging up stuff with Dan G. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Motorcycle Ride !!!

Up for donuts with Grands.  After church Bergmans called and we followed them to Denison then to Mondamin for apple pie.  It was a beautiful afternoon.  At Smalls Gerdis were just leaving so they sat down and joined us.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28 Howard's birthday

Time to remember ... with sadness and gratitude.  Howard William Johnson  I read in bed and dozed off and on.  It was a quiet rainy day and we really need quiet rainy days.  I took the book One Thousand Gifts  by Ann Voscamp and read it out on the deck.  Good book.  Denny fixed me sausage when he fixed his breakfast.  Dan G. came about 11 with his backhoe and it was "dig up the place" looking for the water line for 4 hours.  I  went to folks to see if there was a picture of the old house. So many pictures, so many memories.  Hard to be there, missing their input and love.  Grands read, colored and played while I looked through books.  Then home to tell Denny, no luck.  I fixed everyone sandwiches and we all ate out in the coop.  After lunch they started digging a different place and found the leak.   Denny and Phillip went to Bomgaars for repair pieces.  By dark they had water to back yard hydrant and some to across the road.  We grilled pork chops, green bean, and had salad out in the coop.  So good.  Schrums, Hendersons and Nancy are out on the east coast.

Pictures: June 2003  Father's Day


Stayed up too late last night.  On with the day.  Beautiful rainbow on the way to town.  Student problems in Food Pride EBCE.  Too little communication... will he be able to return with support?  After school talk with 3 teachers on resource room stuff.  Then I took 6 small pitchers to Olde Towne.  Back to work at school until 5:45 and take tickets at Homecoming game with Mike A., Karen P., Kelly, and Ranae B.  After counting the money I went to Home School skating party.  I have 6 home school high schoolers.  At home Denny was watching Netflicks Foot Loose. I turned over and went to sleep.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homecoming parade

Nice to snuggle in bed before the real world sets in.  Regular day at school.  Lynzie and I came out to get veggies at 4.  I had picked up Brooks at 3:30.  Then in to UBI grilling burgers for supper and parade at 6.  And coronation and super class night.  I was glad I went.  Good to see small town support of students and wholesome activities as they did fun activities.  Then home to visit with Denny and chill.  NOw to get ready for day tomorrow.  Thank you, Jesus for all that you bless us with.   Pictures:  fun from Michael and Karen's wedding.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Awana and harvesting for CSA

Both of us did not sleep well last night.  My school day went better with English student staying in class.  Thank you Jesus.  Trip to grocery store with student.One student is going to a private school.  Had to rearrange work load after school.. After school I came home and picked flowers for CSA tomorrow.    Then took Grands to Awana and back home.  Visited with Kara.  Neat bunch of 5 and 6th graders.  At home it looks like a nice bunch of food for CSA members.  Pictures from 2003 trip to see Mom

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2 meeting after school

Well, I didn't get the memo to wear jeans and pink t shirt.  Story of my life ... Not really connected to what was going on.  English student left during my class.  Bummer!!  Did get time with a student who left during success yesterday and would not take the time to talk to me.  Met with resource ladies at 3:30 ...  then a meeting at 4 at Elementary where Alan didn't show up ... so  I went home after waiting 30 minutes. I worked on an IEP.  Denny and Phillip worked on checking out the water lines.  It does not look like an easy fix.   UFFTA  Pictures are from  July 2010 cute kids in SS and Cute family at a race.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Missy dug in hydrant hole

Pretty good day at school.  After school Denny came home and we ate.  Then he was tickled because Missy and Phillip were ready to work on taking dirt out of the hydrant pit behind the house.  Missy got her hair cut this afternoon, but was willing to crawl down there and scoop 6-8 5 gallon buckets of dirt out of the pit.  I put Grands to bed.

Pictures of Cross Country meet on Saturday.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wunschel Omelet fundraiser

Luckily, Denny checked his calendar and was reminded that it was Wunschel's Benefit this morning.  He went there to help and I took Grands for donuts.   Great HS Sunday school class with a DVD and Alan as teacher.   After church I went to help in the community building. There was a great turnout.  We were there until almost 3.  Then Denny wanted to chill out outside, so we sat with Grands in the shade.  Such a very nice day. 

This is a post from Katelyn's caring bridge.  Someone wrote this to her parents. I have to share this little story with you...when we had Janae, often I would think... God, why did you pick us to be Janae's parents. For a long time, I thought about the blessing Janae is and the impact she had already made to others. We had prayed over her several times and each time, they would share how God has annoited her life and that she is going to (already has) change lives. But one day a precious friend told me, Stephanie, God didn't just put Janae into your life because of the blessing she is to others, God brought Janae into you and Norm's life because he wants to transform you and change you into the people/couple he wants you to be. We always learn new things about life through Janae, but I just had just had never thought about it in this way, nor did we realize just how much changing we needed, still need

Pictures from XC meet: 

Trainer Thought of the Day Very true this picture isn't the son that passed away...he had actually just found out months before the son was his and was planning to see him in matter of weeks...The only good in this is that they donated every part they could to other needy children in need of organ transplants, but a poor little man had no reason to die in the first place Prayers to his mama, and all that knew him...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cross Country meet in Carroll.

Got a text during the night that Laura would like a ride to the XC meet.  So Beth brought her out here after she took Stephen to meet the bus.  We got to Swan Lake early.  Beautiful weather!! Met up with Gail and Bruce and got boxes of garage sale goodies from them.  Found a suit at  New Horizons for dress up day during Homecoming.  Home about 1.  Denny had sprayed for our bugs.  Dan G. came with machine and found out the broken pipe was metal.  Phillip had 4 boys out.  I went to the folks and felt sad.  So empty.  Lots of beautiful round pears on the tree. We watched kids from 4:30- 8 so Missy could work on her class work.  Kids played while Denny worked on getting flat bobcat tire off, and chainsaw running, and then we cleaned our apartment.  They helped get rid of lots of bugs.  ick!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday YEA!!

  It was a year ago that Howard died.  Life is different ... yet it goes on.  What a great year to have Mandy with us taking care of the folks.  Priceless.  Missy headed in to Mock Trial early so I got to braid Anabel's hair.  I took flowers to Olde Towne and made a bouquet for Sheri.  Another put out fires day.  English students would not read out loud.  But they were in school.   Math student is so slow.  But he did keep it under 4 minutes going to the RR.  Math test was taken by student absent on Tuesday.  Very nice student helped her with careers project during math.  Success student worked on very late careers project.  Other success student would not finish geography test.  Uffta.  I was worn out again.    After school, Denny took bobcat and chain saw and tried to clear a way to place so we can dig and look for water leak.  UFFTA!!  Dan G. came to take a look.  I an writing on computer out on the deck and it is starting to get cold.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


We got up early. Denny was leaving for work at 6:15. I went out to pick flowers then ... it is very dark at that time. But I did get some flowers and on the road to school before 7:15.  What a day.  One English student doesn't show up. One student cuts out of school second hour.  One student doesn't get contacts in and stress.  Independent living did a good job of fixing spaghetti. LONG time in RR for science student.   Math test hard for absent student. Mom late for IEP.  Two staff got a chuckle out of me laying down the law at the IEP meeting.   UFFTA!!!  Nice to get to the CSA pick up and work with flowers.

Pictures from 2009  Eric from the Wizard of Oz.  Grands at church.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First IEP exit of the year

I was in bed over 9 hours last night. That's good for me, had one a day in bed. Rupps put the balloon tire on when I went to get it fixed yesterday. Denny ordered 4 new tires. Had an 8 am meeting that went well. Grocery store to get spaghetti and pancake mix and sausages for next week. After school went to get a perm. Phillip hurt his back today and is flat on his back. Another great night in Awana. I brought the 3 Grands home. Pictures ... guess who was tryig to use the wide angle lens?